Saturday, February 27, 2010


PHONING IT IN: aka Not Really Trying At All. see Stone Fox.

Why can't I be one of the lucky few with the genetics to eat whatever the hell I want and never gain a pound? Why does food taste so good and exercise suck so bad?

This episode of Woe, Is Me is brought to you by the letter I (need to stop eating everything in sight) and the number 8(chocolate brownies were eaten by me today).


  1. I have been sidelined this week too. My 1 year old has an icky runny nose so no gym for me today. Doing WW points instead. Thursday is weigh in day for me. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. A comment was left here that had nothing to do with this blog; it was a comment badmouthing another blogger who is not even part of this blog. It was deleted by me because anyone chickenshit enough to trash another blogger anonymously can suck it.

  4. love the Sesame Street reference....SOOO funny!!!! I LOVE this blog! you write sooo straight forward....awesome!
